Vizsla Club of the Carolinas
Serving North and South Carolina US and surrounding areas
Future Events
This page was last updated: May 31, 2024

VCC Agility Trial - June 14-16, 2024!
Rising Star Canine Ranch
8340 West Harrell Road, Oak Ridge, NC 27310

Premium List

Entries close June 4, 2024!!

Past Events
VCC members, Jane with Yogi earning a new title, a hopeful member with Trevor and a new puppy, Dave, Abbie, Beth, John with Scandal, Patrick &Evelyn with Sammy, Enzo & Waylon! 
All of the Vizslas that ran in Oak Ridge NC!
VCC member, Evelyn Irwin, taking home
 the highest combined score for all 3
days of competition! Congratulations! Where's Enzo?
Thank You note from Ms. Linda Pruitt after judging the VCC Sweepstakes in Greenville SC, at our Supported Entry Show on July 29, 2023!

You are very much appreciated, Linda!